Sunday, March 29, 2009

Extra Retirement Income With Affiliate Marketing

If you are just beginning to look into affiliate marketing as a source of supplemental retirement income the first the first thing you must do is choose the best programs to join. There are certain criteria to look for when researching a particular affiliate marketing program.

The first and most important step is to know you product. The top performing affiliates will actually use their sponsor's products. In order to properly market your products you need to know them. Once you are familiar with them then you will better understand how to market them and how to create an additional need for them.

Now that we are in a recession and people are loosing their jobs not many people can afford the high end products. Unless you are experienced with the particular special niche market and how to properly market it look for products to sell in the area of $10-$300. It will be easier to promote products in this price range.

Obviously you will be earning commissions for each sale you make. Be sure the company is offering a decent percentage. Anything below 20% is unacceptable and simply not worth your time. Many company's offer commissions in the 50% range. Usually a good mix of several products in these ranges is the best option.

The company should also be offering good training and tools. Any good affiliate marketing program will consider your involvement with them as a partnership. Their success lies in the success of you becoming successful. The top affiliate marketing programs will offer customer support, forums, help designing web sites etc.

While it is important to purchase the products you are promoting you should be under no obligation to buy them. Many affiliate marketing programs will offer higher commissions or product discounts if you purchase their products. These are usually excellent offers and will increase your chances of earning extra retirement income however, this should be an option and not a requirement.

Your commissions should be paid at least once a month and the minimum payout should not be more than $100. You should also make sure the company has a convenient method of paying you, PayPal, direct debit etc.

If you carefully check out each affiliate marketing program before joining it and keep this criteria in mind it will help you with your decision. By choosing the right programs you will be on the road to earning extra retirement income with affiliate marketing.

Copyright 2009 John McRae

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

You Can Save For Retirement and Pay For Your Childs Education

Most parents want to pay for their children’s college education, or at the very least help pay for college. While it would be great for your children to be able to start like after college without student loans to pay off, the cost to parents may be too high.

The average annual cost of a 4-year public college is $12,127 (source: The College Board’s Annual Survey of Colleges, 2005-2006), with 4-year private schools averaging $29,026 a year. College costs have been outpacing inflation by rising over 5% per year.

On the other hand, saving for retirement has become even more important as companies have started freezing or eliminating pension plans, and the future of Social Security continues to be uncertain.

Paying for both college and retirement will be challenging for most parents. Here are some suggestions to help you to achieve both goals:

• Have a plan. You should determine how much you will need for retirement and how much you anticipate your children will need for college.

• Start saving as soon as possible. Time is your greatest ally, whatever your savings goal. Figure out how much you are able to save each month, and setup an automatic plan as soon as possible.

• Prioritize – if you can’t afford to save for both goals, retirement should take priority over saving for college. Your children can always borrow for college or earn scholarships; you can not borrow money for retirement.

• Save for both. Ideally, you’d like to be able to save for both goals at the same time. If you’re able to, allocate money to both goals. You may wish to visit with a financial planner to determine how much should be allocated to each goal.

• Research – there are several different types of college savings accounts available. Find out which type of account will benefit you the most before you invest.

• Use retirement accounts to save for retirement and college. Retirement accounts can be tapped into to help pay college bills (IRA withdrawals can be taken penalty free for college expenses; Roth IRA contributions can be taken penalty and tax-free). However, you should only do this if it will not sacrifice your retirement savings.

The bottom line to getting the most out of your savings - prioritize your savings goals, have a plan in place, and start early.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Marketing Your Internet Home Business With Forum

Many people who start a Internet home business search for methods to promote them without the expense of advertising. One of the most popular methods to promote a home business is by joining Internet forums and add

to the conversations.…ith-forums

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

It Never To Late To Start Saving For Your Retirement

If you’re one of those people who haven’t saved any or very much money for your retirement, it’s never too late for you to start now! It’s important that you do start and soon. It doesn’t take long for age to slip up on you fast if you know what I mean! So, just get started on your retirement planning now while you’re thinking about it. You may want to consider some of these tips and information to get you started:

1) If the employer you are working for offers a 401K plan wherein you contribute a percentage of your earnings towards retirement, consider signing up for this plan! In most instances, the employer may match a percentage of the contributions you make to your 401K account. Your contributions can be made on a pre-tax basis which will help your money grow faster in your account.

2) You may want to consider taking a second job to add more income for your retirement. This will assist you in increasing the amount of money for your retirement fund. If you’re able to fit a second job into your schedule, make sure this would be feasible for you and your family without causing problems.

3) Save more of your money by cutting back on some of your expenses. You may want to reduce the number of times you eat out, go to the movies, shop, and any other areas you can cut back on to save towards your retirement.

4) Consider saving your change! That’s right, save your change. You would be surprised at the amount of money you can accumulate in a small amount of time by saving your change. Your change could be set aside for your retirement fund. So, start putting your coins away for your future!

5) Reduce or eliminate your spending on your credit cards. The less you pay on your credit cards, the more money you’ll have to save towards your retirement. So, if you can pay cash for that item you need to purchase, do that instead of charging it to your credit card. You’ll not only save yourself interest charges, but, you’ll have extra money to put away for your retirement.

6) If you have a home and are using it as a cash machine or atm by taking out your home equity via loans or a credit line, stop what you’re doing! Your home is one of your largest investments and will most likely be a retirement vehicle for you. You’ll either want to have your home paid off prior to retirement or be in a position to sell your home to obtain the equity to use as retirement income. If you have your home equity tapped out, then you will not be in the position during your golden years to enjoy your retirement. You’ll probably be still paying a mortgage that you may not be able to afford and will not have much money in your retirement fund.

It’s better late than never when it comes to starting your retirement planning. So, go ahead, start working on catching up with your retirement planning today, you’ll be glad you did!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Planing For Unexpected Expenses Now Will Help In

Do unexpected car repairs, quarterly insurance payments or unexpected medical bills find you hard pressed to squeeze even one more dollar out of an already stretched monthly budget? These are inevitable expenses

and sometimes can put you under a stress condition when you need the cash to pay for these emergencies and unexpected expenses. But if you learn to budget for these emergencies events and save in advance, you will be at a better position to handle them.

Like most of Americans, you may stretch your income to cover the regular monthly expenses, and always choose to ignore or not to think about the brakes that are getting spongy or the plumbing that's beginning to make strange noises. And you end up a surge on your monthly expenses when the brakes wear off and the plumbing break out.

Planning and saving for those events can help prevent an ordinary life from turning into a crisis and can also cut down dependence on credit cards. Not having savings is a major reason people get into debt.

Here are some steps to help you get started to plan for your emergency fund…s-now.html

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Planing For Unexpected Expenses Now Will Help In The Future

Do unexpected car repairs, quarterly insurance payments or unexpected medical bills find you hard pressed to squeeze even one more dollar out of an already stretched monthly budget? These are inevitable expenses and sometimes can put you under a stress condition when you need the cash to pay for these emergencies and unexpected expenses. But if you learn to budget for these emergencies events and save in advance, you will be at a better position to handle them.

Like most of Americans, you may stretch your income to cover the regular monthly expenses, and always choose to ignore or not to think about the brakes that are getting spongy or the plumbing that's beginning to make strange noises. And you end up a surge on your monthly expenses when the brakes wear off and the plumbing break out.

Planning and saving for those events can help prevent an ordinary life from turning into a crisis and can also cut down dependence on credit cards. Not having savings is a major reason people get into debt.

Here are some steps to help you get started to plan for your emergency fund
1. Identify your irregular expenses

Analyze your pass credit card statement and checking account registers to identify your irregular expenses occur throughout the year. Examples of these irregular expenses are property taxes, insurance premiums, vacations, car tune-ups, holidays and birthdays. List down in a piece of paper all the expenses which are not spent in monthly basis.

2. Write the anticipated amount on the calendar

In most of cases such as insurance premium and property taxes, you will know when the expenses are due to occur. And for those unknown cases such as car repair and plumping repair cost, try to anticipate their expenses and list them somewhat earlier than you actually expect them to come up. Be sure to update your calendar as you discover more expenses.

3. Plan-in the non-monthly expenses into your monthly spending

Based on the foreseen amount and anticipated amount that are captured on your calendar, plan ahead your non-monthly expenses into your monthly spending. For example, you know that your car insurance is going to due on May, set aside small amount of your money for this purpose starting on February. And when May rolls around you can transfer the expense to your spending plan and have money available to pay it. Setting aside even a few dollars each month for foreseeable expenses can prevent larger money woes ahead.

Sometimes, you may find it hard to set aside some extra money from your monthly income; but remember, repairing your car or paying your insurance is not optional expenses and you need to spend it soon or later. So you need to find a way to reduce your monthly expenses so that some money can set aside for emergency fund. You may need to track your spending; then, reduce or cut the optional expenses such as entertainment, dinner at restaurant and other impulse purchase, the money save from those optional expense can be put into your emergency fund.

In Summary

One of the mistakes people make when trying to get their finances under control is not having an emergency fund on their savings account. The problem is that if you don't have money set aside for those unavoidable bills, you inevitably end up adding to your credit card balance to cover the difference.

The bottom line is to start today. It may be discouraging at first if you find that you don't have enough money to fully fund your emergency fund, but you'll begin to succeed the minute you start the process.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The K.I.S.S. Principle of Supplemental Retiremen

With the recent losses on Wall Street many investors are wondering if the goal of achieving a higher rate of return than can be attained with a traditional risk free savings plan is worth the sleepless nights that

many are now facing.

While market fluctuations are a normal part of investing the huge losses suffered in retirement plans have made it clear that diversifying your retirement portfolio is now more important than ever. By choosing high quality investment securities, having a cash reserve, and seeking ways to earn a supplemental retirement income you will be able to secure your retirement future.

Many people become intimidated when it comes to their retirement planning. They believe that they will need a professional investment manager to oversee their retirement portfolio. By using the K.I.S.S. principal of investing by using common sense, patience, reasonable expectations, patience and discipline you will be able to take control of your retirement future. Keep it simple should be the basis of any investment decision you make.…ent-income

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Use The K.I.S.S. Method For Your Retirement Savings

With the recent losses on Wall Street many investors are wondering if the goal of achieving a higher rate of return than can be attained with a traditional risk free savings plan is worth the sleepless nights that many are now facing.

While market fluctuations are a normal part of investing the huge losses suffered in retirement plans have made it clear that diversifying your retirement portfolio is now more important than ever. By choosing high quality investment securities, having a cash reserve, and seeking ways to earn a supplemental retirement income you will be able to secure your retirement future.

Many people become intimidated when it comes to their retirement planning. They believe that they will need a professional investment manager to oversee their retirement portfolio. By using the K.I.S.S. principal of investing by using common sense, patience, reasonable expectations, patience and discipline you will be able to take control of your retirement future. Keep it simple should be the basis of any investment decision you make.

While planning for retirement you should focus on multiple income streams. Having only one source of income in retirement is the biggest mistake many investors make. Many people have seen their retirement savings plummet and have no extra source of income. A successful retirement strategy will include income from multiple sources.

Hopefully by the time of your retirement Social Security will still be available. However, it would be wise to not plan on it as a income source and if it is still around than it will be extra retirement income. Even with the losses recently suffered in all likelihood your 401k will still be your main source of income but you should begin to seek additional sources now.

As the housing market has dropped and home foreclosures have increased this has opened the door for supplemental retirement income. If you have the available funds than purchasing real estate and renting it out has always been one of the best sources of income.

If you do not have much in available cash than starting a home business is another excellent source of supplemental retirement income. You can start a Internet home business with very little money and over time begin to earn substantial income from it. Depending on the type of home business you choose you may even earn residual income for many years after you retire.

It is important to remember that your retirement is your responsibility. The decisions you make now, regardless of your age will effect how you are able to live in the future. If you use the K.I.S.S. principal for investing you will be able to enjoy your golden years with plenty of supplemental retirement income.

CopyRight 2009 John McRae

Friday, March 13, 2009

Should I Have A Retirement Plan?

Yes retirement planning is important for all of us. This is not an easy subject for any of us to talk about, but, we must discuss it sooner rather later!

We want to be able to enjoy our golden years comfortably without having to worry about our finances. Planning your retirement is a crucial key to making this happen.…ement-plan

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Should I Have A Retirement Plan?

Should I Have A Retirement Plan?

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