Monday, June 4, 2012

Grow Your Internet Home Business During A Recession

Grow Your Internet Home Business During A Recession

Some economist say we are already in a recession while others say it is slowing down and soon the U.S. economy will be booming again. I am no specialist on the economy but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that the economy is definitely in a “down turn” and with the stock markets recent volatility people are concerned about their savings.  What I do consider my self to be is an opportunist.

My Google Penguin Recovery Plan

My Google Penguin Recovery Plan

After the Google Penguin update many affiliate marketers were hit pretty hard. Traffic and sales dropped and many of us were left wondering what to do next.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time Management: Tackling One Project at a Time

Time Management: Tackling One Project at a Time

It may seem like multi-tasking would be a great way to get more done in a shorter amount of time, and for some people that may be true, but generally it will just add stress, confuse your thought processes, and throw you off track. If multi-tasking isn’t something that works for you, make a change in your work routine and try using some time management techniques to become more efficient.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Time Management for the Single Parent

Time Management for the Single Parent

It can be difficult enough trying to manage your time when you’re raising a family with a partner, but doing it alone can be even more of a challenge. It can be easy to feel like you’re getting just too swamped or that there isn’t enough of you to go around, but by practicing a few effective time management habits you’ll be able to get yourself back on track and make more time for just relaxing and spending time with your kids.

Time Management Tips to Balance Work and School

Time Management Tips to Balance Work and School

Working while you’re trying to further your education can become a complicated juggling act and it’s very easy to get burnt out trying to fit so much into your life. Using some effective time management techniques can take a huge strain off your tired mind and will help you organize your schedule to fit everything in while reducing your stress.

Using Time Management to Deal With a Crisis

Using Time Management to Deal With a Crisis

When a crisis arises, people often tend to panic and they can sometimes make things worse by trying to execute a quick fix rather than truly solve the problem. Usually time is of the essence in a crisis situation, so it can be difficult to take any extra time trying to work through the problem. With the right time management techniques, you’ll have a better chance of fixing the issue at hand while remaining calm and collected.