Sunday, January 18, 2009

There Are Advantages Of Buying An Established We

One method many people looking to earn extra retirement income decide on is starting a Internet home business. The cost of purchasing an existing home business will of course be higher than building a website from scratch, however, the advantages of time saved, established traffic and of course sales makes the expense worth it for some.

As with business purchasing a Internet home business is not without a certain amount of risk. With the proper research of the particular niche the web site is promoting and asking the seller the right questions can reduce those risks.

One of the many factors search engines account for is the age of the website. A site that has been established for a longer period will usually rank higher than one that has been in business for only a few months. Unfortunately many sellers or not completely truthful and the phrase “buyer beware” is extremely important. There are people who make a very good living by selling shell sites over and over to uninformed purchasers.

A simple search on Google can tell you a lot about the person who selling you the site. Chances are that if the person is running a scam or selling websites that are not what they claim than they have done it before. Other people will have been burnt and may post in forums or with the Better Business Bureaus.

Alexa is a service that offers extremely vital information about any website. A simple search will reveal such important information as its age and the all important number of inbound links. Another service dnscoop will determine the estimated value of a site based on similar websites.

If the Internet home business has been established any period of time it should also include a prospect list. A list of clients or potential clients is the backbone of any home business and it should have been acquired through legitimate means and not through spamming. The last thing you want is to purchase a business that has been flagged for spamming.

If you decide to purchase the Internet home business than this does not mean your work is done. It is still not as simple as setting it and forgetting it. Affiliate links will need to be changed as well as the mailing list subscription form. Most websites go on the market because the owner has begun to neglect it. You will still need to work on improving the traffic and improving sales.

Its important to remember that there is much competition with a online business and there is always a learning curve. You will also be missing out on the satisfaction of starting a business from scratch and watching it grow. However. with proper research the benefit of purchasing a existing Internet home business can be a swift return on your investment and a extra income for retirement much quicker.

Copyright 2009 John McRae

For more information about starting an Internet home business visit and for videos and articles to help with you earn extra retirement income visit

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